19 July 2011

Rachael's Propaganda

I am really passionate about the idea that everyone deserves the opportunity for not just an education, but a great education. My propaganda posters address two separate issues with education funding.

My first poster deals with issue of rising tuition prices for higher education institutions. I chose my color scheme based on the ASU's colors because I felt that, though this issue is a national problem, it grounded my message to have it apply to this specific university. I wanted to utilize sarcasm in this piece, and have done so with both the text and the text's juxtaposition with the image of the laughing students.

For my main propaganda poster, I created an image that addresses the issue of underfunding in the Arizona public education system. I chose the series images used based on their prevalence to the issue at hand: I wanted the center focus to be on a young child wearing a sale price sticker. This, I feel, emphasizes the ridiculous idea of skimping on education funds. I wanted to connect the idea of money with a child because it gives the viewer a concrete and more personal connection to the issue. Seeing as the goal of the project was "to propagandize", I felt that a red, black, and grey color scheme fit best. For the text, I wanted to keep it as concise as possible while still making my point. Also, I threw in the Arizona flag rays into the background, to both give the composition a more balanced weight and connect it to Arizona.

EDIT: Second draft. An improvement?

1 comment:

  1. Ehh, nothing to say, just great...
    Yep, there are some bright improvements in the second version of the second propaganda. You imply the meaning of it, so the audiences can keep watching and thinking on it. And the fomat is changed to more simple and clear. The word under it can give some tips to audiences and it also act like a frame of this poster.
    The most thing I like in your series is the color and the theme you choose, it just so close to our life.
