18 July 2011

Anti-Ageism Propaganda

I wanted to create my propaganda around the theme of Ageism. for the elderly woman below, I wanted to find a picture online which portrayed sadness as a way to show the emotional impact of aging and slowly being objectified and ignored more and more by society as they get older. For the old man. I wanted to use a happy old man to symbolize the care free happiness I see too often associated with children. when are people too old to be nurtured and treated with the love and kindness one would give a child? When I am 80, I will need hugs and games...and friends. Many elderly are isolated, however and I believe that it is through this isolation and inability to share a rich history and perspective across the generations...and to me that is very sad and highly detrimental to any culture. I wanted the art as well as its message to be simple but effective, with little room for other interpretation.

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