18 July 2011

Yixuan Wang Project 2

This my work for project two. My idea came from some funy sentences, I make them look like more funy. However, the frist one (blue one), it looks funy, but it also has sad story. The fox love a rabbit, he wants to make his ear like rabbit beacuse he thinks may be he has longer ear, rabbit will love him, but it is not. The rabbit still doesn't care him. Finally, the fox died beacuse he puts him on clothes hanger too longer. The story has a little sad, but it also told us that sometime you change yourself, you still cannot change other people thinking or something eles. The other one is funy, but it also has meaning, it told us that sometime some things you don't know too much that will be better.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The first of these posters, the one with the trees, would be an adorable illustration and the second poster is quite humorous. However, I am having trouble understanding how either is propaganda? Would you mind explaining a bit more?
