
Arizona State University Herberger Institute for Design and The Arts

Spring 2012 M/W 1:40PM – 4:30PM Art 301

Instructor:                  Matthew Mosher
Office Hours:                         M/W 1:10PM – 1:40PM, Tower A 105
Open Studio Hours: 
Core Office Phone:    5-8339
Main Office Phone:     5-3468

Required Texts:          Launching the Imagination by Mary Stewart
                                    Digital Design Media by William J. Mitchell
                                    (Both books affordable used on Amazon
and on reserve at Hayden Library.)

Course Description: 

ART 194, Intro to Digital Media, is a studio course that concentrates on the basics of digital media, including imagery, sound, video, animation, and the web. Assignments are given to engage students in the technical, conceptual, and aesthetic aspects of digital media. Students will employ a diverse range of techniques and software, as they become familiar with contemporary artistic processes involving the use of the computer and/or other technologies. The class will consist of hands-on experimentation and production supplemented by slide lectures, videos, visiting artists, and academic research. This course aims to give students a grounding in working with color theory, raster images, vector designs, and 4D media, with a particular focus of creating space and time.  Students will also build a website to promote themselves with an online portfolio.

This course may be substituted for the Art Major requirement of ART 113, Color, for Intermedia and Digital Art majors. All other majors require a petition to substitute this course for ART 113, Color. If you have already taken ART 113, Color, this course may be counted as an art elective. However, keep in mind it is a 100-level elective. Please see your academic advisor for more specific information.


Sketchbook Portfolio -
You will need to keep a sketchbook / idea journal for use in developing project ideas.  Use the sketchbook in and out of class to document your entire design process for each project including brainstorms, concept maps, sketches, photos of models, and a photo of your end result.  I will be reviewing these periodically, so I recommend not using a personal journal.  Using one sketchbook for all of your ArtCore Classes is encouraged.

ArtCORE Attendance Policy -
3 unexcused absences = one letter grade drop from final grade.
3 partial attendance (late arrivals and/or early class departures)  = 1 absence.
6 or more unexcused absences will result in failing the class.
Arriving more than 5 minutes after attendance has been taken and / or departing more than 15 minutes early from class will result in a partial attendance for that day.  Any additional excused absences MUST be accompanied by a note from doctors, student services, or other evidence that demonstrates the need to miss additional classes.  Every effort will be made to accommodate extenuating circumstances when necessary.  In any situation you are responsible for covering any material you miss.

Disabilities: Rights and Responsibilities of Students-
If a student desires accommodation for a disability, he or she must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and submit the appropriate documentation from the DRC to the instructor.  To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the ASU Disability Resource Center – Phone: (480) 965-1234. This should be done in a timely manner because accommodations cannot be made retroactively.

ASU’s Academic Integrity Policy –
The highest standard of academic integrity is expected of all students. The failure of any student to meet these standards may result in suspension or expulsion from the university an/or other sanctions as specified in the academic integrity policies of the individual colleges. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, fabrication, tampering, plagiarism, or facilitating such activities. The university and college academic integrity policies are available online at

All use of non-original materials is discouraged. However, if non-original material is used, you are responsible for the proper citation and legal usage of the resource. Violations are punishable by assignment failure, class failure (E), or failure due to academic dishonesty (XE) depending on the severity of the infraction.
Your instructor will sanction any incidents of academic dishonesty in the course using University and HIDA guidelines. Should you have any question about whether or not something falls subject to this clause, feel free to contact your instructor or review the university policy on academic integrity at the above link.
Classroom Conduct

  • You are expected to behave in a responsible manner that allows everyone in the
    classroom access to resources and learning. Behavior that disrupts classroom learning
    will not be tolerated. If your actions are disrespectful to the Instructor or to other
    students, you will be asked to leave and counted absent
  •  Cell phone and PDA use is prohibited during class unless the Instructor is informed of a pending emergency at the beginning class. These units should be muted or set to vibrate.
  • Access to the Internet is permitted ONLY when it is related to the class material.
  • Respect should be given at all times to the Instructor, classmates and your working environment. This includes appropriate behavior, language, and use of classroom resources.
  • Safety is primary concern for all students to work effectively. You must follow all the safety procedures and guidelines posted in the studio you are working.
  • Dressing appropriately for the studio activity that you are engaging in is another important safety factor. This may include no food/drink, open toe shoes, excessively exposing clothing, dangling jewelry, and/or tying hair back.
  • At all times you must use the equipment in the studio in the manner it was intended for use and per the instructions of your Instructor.

The ABOR Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote and protect an environment that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change and respect for the rights of all individuals. In keeping with this mission, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities staff seeks to balance the rights and needs of the individual with responsibility of the individual to meet the needs of the community. In addition, it reviews allegations of student misconduct, determines whether a violation has occurred and if applicable, imposes appropriate sanctions. Students are expected to adhere to the ABOR Student Code of Conduct.  See it here:

Self -discipline and a respect for the rights of others in the classroom or studio and university community are necessary for a conducive learning and teaching environment. Threatening or violent behavior will result in the administrative withdrawal of the student from the class. Disruptive behavior may result in the removal of the student from the class.
See also, Student Rights and Responsibilities:
The Computer, Internet and Electronic Communications Policy

Potentially Offensive Course Material –
Some course content may be deemed offensive.  Reasonable advance warning will be made of potentially offensive material by the instructor; it is the student’s responsibility to remove him/herself from the class during those classes/lectures/field trips in which potentially offensive content is shared.  Generally, there will be nothing that exceeds the standards of any PG13 movie.

Intellectual Property Rights –
The course content, including lectures and other handouts, is copyrighted material. Students may not record lectures or sell notes taken during the course.

Participation - Critiques, learning new vocabulary, and group discussions are a part of this course.  Each student should participate vocally and visually in each class, providing constructive criticism to their peers, while demonstrating an ability to listen and receive it as well. In addition to a mid-semester review, I will have a brief one on one meeting with each student scheduled closer to that time.  These meetings are not graded, but serve as a way for you to let me know your concerns and me to inform you of your progress.

When contacting your instructor -
When emailing your instructor please address your emails with the course and specific subject matter in the subject line of the email--for example: “ART294 scanner not recognized.” Emails that do not contain the subject heading can easily get lost in our bulk mail. We will attempt to answer emails as soon as received, but do allow at least a day.

Blog –
There is a course blog at You will be required to make project based entries, but the blog is more for you to share ideas and concerns with each other and the greater community.

Health and Safety –
It is now required that all 100 level classes pass a Health and Safety Module.  To begin, you must enroll in the new Blackboard 9 website.  A “task” will be sent to your myasu account, follow the prompts to self enroll; proceed with watching the video and take the related quiz.  You must pass with an 80% to receive credit. You must repeat the test in additional CORE classes until you receive a 100%..  When you achieve a 100% you will be exempt from taking the quiz again and instructed on how to take a screen capture to maintain a record of your accomplishment. Please not that this in an introduction to safety at ASU and other training sessions will be required in upper division classes as necessary to the studio you will be working in under faculty supervision.   So, even though some of the material covered in this module may not seem immediately important it WILL become important as you matriculate though your BFA program.  If you do not take the test, or pass the test by February 1 you will receive a notice of potential class failure in the first Academic Status Report.  In order for you to access the test after February 1 you must make an appointment with me during my office hours.  The test will be worth 5% of your final grade.  (Whether you achieve 80% or 100%)

Full academic Calendar can be found at

Lockers - The SOA lockers are First Come First Serve.

Materials – The School of Art provides the computers and software in room 301 for your use, and you have access to this space before and after class to do your homework.  If you would like to work at home you will need your own computer and editing software.  Materials you will need to provide for yourself:
-       16gb (minimum) usb flash drive formatted for mac or an external hard drive to store your projects
-       SunCard to access the room
-       Google Account
-       Headphones
-       Digital Camera
-       Sketchbook
-       Cash for prints



Lab Maintenance - This lab contains sensitive equipment.  Students are not permitted to use any equipment with which they are unfamiliar.  Also, you are not permitted to have food or beverages at the computer desks.  This is a shared classroom, so it is important that you clean up after yourself. Proper lab maintenance will be monitored and evaluated.  It is also expected that you will act in a safe manor.  Unsafe or destructive behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in expulsion from the class.   

Storage - Each student is responsible for the storage and back up of their own files/projects.  While there is temporary workspace available in the shared folder on each machine, this space is cleared regularly.  Do not attempt to use the shared folder as a permanent storage solution.  Again, you will need your own storage media device (external hard drive). Do not keep your projects in the desktop or else they will be deleted automatically.

Please Note:  Syllabus is subject to change as the course evolves.

Grade Descriptions:

A.  Outstanding competence:
- Student demonstrates expansive investigation of ideas; excellent composition and construction.
- All assignments completed on time. 
- Student makes insightful contributions to critiques and blog.
- Student goes well beyond minimum requirements in quality and quantity. 
- Work clearly communicates well-developed concepts. 
- Student has complete sketchbook.
B.  Above average competence:
- Student shows substantial investigation of ideas, very good composition and construction.
- Assignments are completed on time with good contributions to critiques and blog. 
- Student has Good sketchbook.
C.  Average competence:
- Assignments are done competently and completed on time. 
- Student shows poor craft, communication, or concept on projects.
- Student has possible attendance problems, insufficient participation, and missing blog posts. 
- Sketchbook lacks all required documentation.
D.  Poor competence:
- Student has marginal or late work, limited investigation of ideas, poor craft, incoherent compositions, and minimal contribution to critiques.
- Work has little conceptual backing and cannot stand on its own. 
- Student may have more than 2 unexcused absences. 
- Student’s sketchbook is incomplete.
E.  Unsatisfactory work:
- Course failure due to minimal idea development, poor craft, disjointed compositions, lack of participation, late assignments.
- Student may have more than 2 unexcused absences. 
- Student is missing sketchbook.

 Grading Policy:
            60% Projects (Includes Sketchbook and Blog Assignments)
            10% Presentation
            20% Performance (Class Participation, Risk Taking, Improvement)
            10% Reading Assignments

Project Grading:
Projects are due at their associated critique, and should have your name and the unit number on them somewhere.  If a project is incomplete or you have an unexcused absence for a critique the work will not be reviewed and the project grade will lose 10% each week it is late.  Some projects will have optional community based extra credit opportunities.  All projects can earn one bonus invention point for unique approach and depth of thought, awarded at my discretion.  Please note, projects have their own grading rubrics which will be explained when the projects are assigned.

There will be six units covered this semester, roughly one every two weeks.
UNIT II – Raster                                                         UINIT III – Vector     
UNIT IV  – Sound                                                       UNIT VII – Web
UNIT V, VIII – Animation and Interactivity                UNIT VI – Video

Presentation Grading:
Student will be responsible for doing a presentation in association with one unit on contemporary IDM artists.  Topics will be chosen at random during the first week of class.  The presentation should run for 20 - 30 minutes and include:
      20 images / slides  (3pts)
      A handout for the rest of the class to follow along  (3pts)
      Solid content about the artist(s) and their work (6pts) [Why are they important, where are they from, what was happening in the world while they were alive and how did it affect their work, what medium do they use, what were their goals?]
      Ability to engage the class  (3pts)
      Ability to illustrate connections between the artist(s) and out course material  (3pts)
      You must also include a bibliography slide that shows the sources where your information and images came from. (3pts)
You will also have to do a 5 minute 5 slide presentation on your own recent art work.  This will happen at the beginning of the course and count for 3pts to be added to your presentation grade for a grand total of 24 points.

Reading Grading:
The majority of your reading assignments will be turned in in the form of concepts maps that explain the relationships between key concepts from the chapter and how they connect to your own work.  For other readings you will be asked to come to class with a question about the chapter; this counts towards your class participation.  You will also have to write a one page review of one on campus exhibition and one visiting artist lecture.  Free cmap software is available at:



Please make a note of these important dates during the spring 2012 semester: 

Session Dates and Deadlines

Session A: 7.5 weeks

(Jan 5  -  Feb 24)

Session B: 7.5 weeks

(Feb 29  -  April 24)

Session C: 15 weeks

(Jan 5 - April 24)

Classes Begin

January 5, 2012

February 29, 2012

January 5, 2012

Drop/Add Deadline

January 6, 2012

March 1, 2012

January 11, 2012

Tuition and Fees 100% Refund Deadline

January 11, 2012

March 6, 2012

January 18, 2012

Course Withdrawal Deadline

January 25, 2012

March 20, 2012

March 28, 2012

Complete Withdrawal Deadline

February 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

For additional university deadlines and important dates for the spring 2012 term, please visit: <> . 

The Herberger Institute will extend the add deadline (for Sessions A and C) to allow students to add a course within the Herberger Institute until January 25, 2012. If you have a student who has been attending your course and neglected to add the course to their schedule, we will be happy to assist them with adding your course through January 25th. Only students adding an Herberger Institute course will be allowed to drop a Herberger Institute course after the add/drop deadline (stated above). For more information, please visit: <> . 

Please note: This extension period is for Herberger Institute courses only. Other colleges and schools may also extend the add period, but students must check with the college that houses the course of interest. Please direct students to the following website: <> .

After the January 25th Herberger Extended Add Deadline, if a student wants to drop a course without adding another course within the Herberger Institute, they must withdraw from the course. Students often worry about how a "W" will look on their transcript. A "W" does not carry any grade points and is not factored into the GPA. It simply means the student opted not to take the course. We will not honor late drop requests without an extenuating circumstance. 

To add a Session A or C class after January 25, students must follow this procedure:

1.       Complete the enrollment request form <> .

2.       Obtain the instructor's signature indicating approval of the late add. If it is an online course, faculty may send the student an e-mail indicating approval of the late add.

3.       Submit late enrollment request form to the Office of Student Success for review (Design South, room 101 <> ). 

4.       If approved, take the approved form and submit to the University Registrar's Office (Student Services Building, room 140 <> or any other registrar location <> ).

5.       Double-check registration to make sure the course appears on his/her schedule.

*If students need to add a course after January 25 due to extenuating circumstances, s/he must complete a Late Schedule Change Appeal form <>  in addition to following the procedures stated above. Students will leave their request forms with the Office of Student Success (CDS 101) for review and will be contacted regarding the decision once it is made. A written statement of support from the instructor of the course must also be provided with the form.

Advisors each have lead areas within the institute so faculty have a contact person to speak to regarding changes in the curriculum or pertinent information that you would like us to share with students. Our website reflects these lead areas and includes an e-mail link so that you can correspond directly with the advisor in your area:<>  .  If you have any comments or concerns, you may contact me or David Logan, the advising manager, at any time. 

Advising is mandatory each semester (fall and spring) until students reach a total of 60 hours.  Students may meet with an advisor by scheduling an appointment or utilizing our walk-in hours. Appointments may be scheduled by calling 480-965-4495.  During the fall and spring semesters, we have weekly walk-in hours. These hours are on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. For the spring 2012 semester, walk-in hours will begin during the week of January 17 and continue each week throughout the semester. 

During the beginning of the semester and the week before registration begins for the next semester, we will offer same day appointments in which the entire advising staff will be available to meet with students.  Same day appointments include a series of 20-minute appointments for students to sign up for one time slot during that day.  These appointments will typically be available from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. unless otherwise noted. For more details about advising, please visit our advising website.  This semester's same day appointment dates are: 

January 3-6 and January 9-12