19 July 2011

Alex's Propaganda

The astronaut poster is of course a reference to the current state of NASA, and was inspired by the World War Two posters asking people to buy war bonds to fund the war. The second poster is a warning about posting too much information online, and how once something is posted, you lose control over where and how it is displayed. For this poster I drew inspiration from the dark and macabre propaganda posters of yore.

1 comment:

  1. All in all, I like it . I like the imagery choices, especially the one with little Johnny, it is the perfect thing to demonstrate what posting personal information online is about.I believe that the proportions of the subjects in that image are not in sync with the buildings in the city-scape. and I don't think is is going to be long until we do buy space bonds. Great peering into the future. How ever I think the image as a whole is a bit too saturated.
