16 July 2011

lucas work. mixed with PS & AI..



Something like the warning

is the key words of making a public service advertisement, especially smoking this topic.

Instead of using the awful pictures which show the harm of smoking, I choose a smooth but clear way to express my idea. With a black background, audiences can pay more attentions to understand the meaning of these pictures. No more special details to divert their attention, people can easily remenber the whole picture in a few seconds. And by using this method, the pictures can earn more time for people to think about what is behind these.

The final goal of a smoking public service advertisment is to make people think back to it when going to smoke and stop. The more simple more clear the propaganda is, the more probability for people to recall it. And that's why..


1 comment:

  1. I'm Yixuan Wang. I'm really like your third work, and it's really cool. I think the third one is done, and work well. I cannot give some suggest for your third one. I most like your part about third one that is the women face and the smoke, there are clear and beautiful, and they are very clear show us your idea. Other two also look good, but I favorer one is the third one.
