14 July 2011

UNIT III Project 1

UNIT III: Vector

PROJECT:  Rock Out!

OBJECTIVE: Technical: To gain a basic understanding of vector based digital imaging software (Illustrator) and using raster images within it.
Conceptual: To explore how images and text generate a range of ideas and emotions, and to better understand how design and text can be utilized to market and advertise particular products (outside and inside the art realm).

GOAL:  Make a propaganda poster for a cause or ideal that you believe in.

1.    1  Based on the presentations given in class, brainstorm ideas for a propaganda poster.  What issue do you want to promote? What message do you want to deliver?
2.     2 Sketches layouts (at least 5) for a promotional poster, and research the formats typically used by your cause.  Where is the text? Are there serif or san-serif fonts? Is it sponsored by a company or political party? 
3.     3 Collect image(s) for your poster and assemble them in photoshop.
4.     4 Create a new 11” x 17” print document in Illustrator and place (link) your .psd file into it.  In this way you will be able to change the .psd and it will automatically update the illustrator file.
5.     5 Experiement with live trace and live paint to vectorize your raster images and color them in.
6.     6 Layout your text over the image(s).  Experiment with fonts and sizes.
7.     7 Consider adding some of the effects from the ‘Use Ps and Ai together!’ tutorials on the blog.
8.     8 Make a second poster from from one of your other sketches.  Save your illustrator files and export it as a .png for the blog.   
9.     9 Comment on one of your peer’s posters that you find convincing and explain why.

READING:              Digital Design Media Chapter 7
VOCABULARY: Type, Glyph, Typography, scale, size, proportion, context, serif, font, typeface, vector

REFERENCES:  (Edward Tufte, http://infosthetics.com/ ) Barbara Kruger, El Lissitzky, Jenny Holzer, Joseph Kosuth, dafont, Ed Ruscha

DUE:  7/18/11

TECHNICAL: (4pts) Did you compose text and images into a believable poster? Did you use the resolution, bit depth, and color mode the assignment called for?
AESTHETIC: (8pts)Are your final pieces compositionally balanced? Did you make good use of color? Does your piece lead the viewer’s eyes? Is it readable?
CONCEPTUAL: (4pts) Does your final piece address the theme in a clear way? Is the “whole more than the sum of its parts”? Does your final image address the themes proposed for this assignment?
RESPONSABILITY:  (4pts) Were you prepared for each class? Did you bring the rough sketches/ideas on the due date? Did you upload your image to the class blog on time? Did you work during work hours

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