21 July 2011



PROJECT:  Our triumphant rise casts shadows on the sand

OBJECTIVE: Understand website linking structures, ease of use, interaction design, readability, and self promotion through a well customized blog.

GOAL: Your challenge is to create a portfolio website to showcase the work you've done over the course of the semester.

1.     Go to blogger.com and create a google account or sign in with your existing account.
2.     Create a new blog giving it a name and theme.
3.     Go through all the tabs an set your preferences for settings.  How do you want the date to appear?  Do you want to allow comments?
4.     Create new posts for all of your work from this class giving them appropriate categories.  You can add other work you have made, too.  Be sure to have a photo for each piece as well as listing the date made, materials, title, dimensions, and media.  You can add a description as well. 
5.     Create Pages for your artist statement, resume, and biography.  If you need help with formatting these check http://www.artstudy.org/art-and-design-careers/artist-statement.php and http://www.collegeart.org/guidelines/resume
6.     In the design tab edit your theme template so that it has the background images and text colors you want.  Also choose a layout.
7.     Then setup your page elements by adding and arranging widgets.  Be sure to add one for labels.  When done appropriately it is hard to tell if an artist’s website is a blog or a standard site.
8.     Finally, email me a link to your new website

READING:             Launching the Imagination Chapter 6
                        Digital Design Media Chapter 14
VOCABULARY: hypertext markup language (html), browser, server, tags, link, source, host, file transfer protocol (ftp) embed, hex color, template, post, page, widget, side bar

REFERENCES:  Ken Renaldo, Scott Snibbe, Paul Sermon, http://www.comfab.org


GRADING:  (20pts)
Technical: (12pts)  Does your site link structure make sense?  Do you have a bio / artist statement / resume?  Are all your projects posted?
Aesthetic: (8pts)  Is your site pleasing to look at?  Do the color choices make sense?

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